Connection is the Cure

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The time is now is a loaded proposition. People are dying, protest is our cultural love language, and, as humans we are experiencing an intense moment of internal duress. During times of stress, I find comfort in journaling to document what I am feeling and, more importantly, what I am learning. As I looked back recently, these three lessons seemed appropriate to share:

Lesson #1: Connection is the Cure. What I know for sure is that racism is a virus of the soul and connection is part of the solution. I will not name names but a local non-black business owner reached out to me when all of this started to happen. We were following each other on social media but have never met in person. Yet, over the course of two very long voice messages via Instagram and many text messages, we exchanged information about our businesses, our fears, frustrations and faith, and our shared commitment to being an active part of change. She says she loves me as her sister of humanity. Through encounters like this, my hope increases and I feel we are closer to the cure of the disgusting racism virus.

Lesson #2: Distraction is a Trick. For a few days, I became inconsolable; the news, my family, and, sadly, silence from some friends was overwhelming. I shut down. But, it occurred to me that darkness only wins when we are consumed or distracted by it. It was then that I decided to write two business proposals, announce my website, and try to write more, which is why you are hearing from me again. I did these things not to brag but rather as a form of resistance that shows I can still blossom despite the dry soil.

Lesson #3: Ground Zero is a Good Place. Am I the only one who thinks I can try anything, make mistakes, and all will be forgiven? From my perspective, the rules are changing, creating a ground zero, or uncharted territory, which is a playground for dreaming. So, I tried an IG Live, but couldn’t maintain the connection; I am writing more with no clearly defined agenda in sight; and, when asked to be part of a really unique photo shoot, I said yes despite all of my fears. Yes, I have everything to lose, but I have decided that I have everything to gain. Ground zero fuels me because I know that after I overcome it, abundance is truly the only next step. We can all go up from here.

Melva LaJoy Legrand

Founder of LaJoy Plans. Writer. Speaker. Melva has more than two decades in the event planning industry. She is known for her love of people, high energy, tenacious work ethic, and unique perspective. This blog is her space to share the lessons she has learned in hopes that they'll be supportive of readers' journey.


Volume One: Digital Event Commandments


Why I Do This Work